Sunday, April 7, 2013


Another perk of working in a school district is spring break. I barely had time to recover from my two weeks off at Christmas and now I have another week to play! I can't remember when or even if I ever had a spring break. I always worked even in college. Most people go to warm and sunny places for spring break but being new to this I decided to go to Fairbanks...  a couple of friends and I piled in the car and headed north. The dry was beautiful. The sun was out and the sky was clear which gave us an amazing view of Mt McKinley.  From what I understand it is usually hard to see due to clouds so we were especially blessed to see it there AND back.
 This picture is from several HOURS away!

 While in Fairbanks we went to the international ice carving festival. Unfortunately is was soooo cold we didn't spend much time at each display. We took a few pictures and moved on to the next. They were beautiful! We did warm up enough to play on the giant ice slides and mazes. They did have these large ice bowls that you sit in and then spin. I always loved spinning and the faster the better...those days are over! I sat in it and my friend gave it a small push and I thought I was going to die! I started screaming for it to stop and couldn't get out fast enough. Lesson learned.

We also visited North Pole AK. We were going to go to Chena which is a hot springs but the thought of stepping outside even for a moment in a swimsuit was more than we could fathom.

This is a shot of smoked salmon vodka...not bad, a bit smokey.
 We did get a sneak peak at the northern lights but the real show was just a few days away, stay tuned!

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